I have a flock of approximately 24 chickens, who freerange around our farm. They peck around for worms, dust bathe in our fire pit, eat every scrap I put in our compost bin, and give me a constant supply of eggs. I can't imagine not waking up to crowing in the morning, or watching they're funny antics for hours on end. So, in light of this, I thought I'd introduce some of my flock.

This is Brutus, part Ameraucanna rooster. most of his chicks lay eggs in shades of blue and green

The red rooster is Iron Man, he's top dog around the coop, and one of the friendlies roos I've ever had. He likes to rub up against my legs like a cat

My helper feeding them apples

The chicks we hatched a while back, getting used to the yard, and getting to know the other chickens from the safety of a caged area. (they are part silkie, part gamehen)

This part Brahma hen named snow just hatched 6 beautiful chicks

and someone was extra thrilled
I Hope you enjoyed meeting my chickens
I love the new picture's Iron Man is beautiful and the new chicks are lovely xx